Privacy Policy

Welcome to Hoyo. At Hoyo, we prioritize the privacy of our users and believe in handling personal information with the utmost care and respect. This Privacy Policy applies to Wicklow, Inc, operating as Hoyo (referred to as “Hoyo”, “we”, “us”, or “our”).

We have crafted this Privacy Policy to outline how we collect, use, protect, and disclose information and data when you utilize Polysmarts’ websites, services, and mobile applications. This Privacy Policy also elucidates your options for managing information preferences, including opting out of certain uses of your personal information. By accessing or using Polysmarts’ websites, mobile applications, or services, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

For inquiries, complaints regarding our Privacy Policy or practices, or assistance in exercising your choices under this Privacy Policy, please contact us at

This policy pertains to all current and former Polysmarts customers. Please note that to utilize our services, you must be 18 years of age or older.

Effective January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) may offer specific rights and protections to California residents. If you are a California resident, please refer to the section titled “Notice to California Residents” below for further details.

Information Hoyo Collects About You

Information Provided by You: 

We collect personal information you provide while using or any associated websites, desktop or mobile applications, or Document Signing Platform (collectively referred to as the “Hoyo platform” or “Hoyo websites”). Most of this information is gathered during the purchasing process. Additional information may be collected during subsequent use of Hoyo websites or when we communicate with you via telephone, email, or other means.

Certain personal information must be supplied during the purchase process to provide you with goods and services. The following categories of information may be collected:

  • Basic identifying information: Name, billing and shipping address, email, phone numbers, and any other personal information you provide.
  • Additionally, we collect names, email addresses, and phone numbers of individuals who contact us with inquiries, solely for the purpose of responding to those inquiries.

Information Gathered Based on Your Activity on the Hoyo Platform: 

To provide services, improve our business, and maintain records required by law, Hoyo collects information about your transactions and activity. This includes your computer and your visits to and other Hoyo websites, such as your IP address, geographical location, operating system, browser type, referral source, time and length of visit, button clicks, and/or page views.

Tracking Technologies:

Hoyo and our partners use technologies such as cookies, beacons, tags, and scripts to analyze trends, administer the Hoyo websites, track user movements, and gather information about our user base. You can control cookie usage within your web browser.

Usage Data & Site Activity:

Hoyo also utilizes Local Storage, such as HTML5, to store content information and preferences.

Third-Party Technologies:

We partner with third parties to manage our advertising services on other websites, evaluate overall Hoyo website performance, and collect certain information when you interact with Hoyo websites and services.

How Hoyo Uses Your Information

Processing Your Transaction:

We use your information to facilitate transactions, including fulfilling orders, shipping, implementing collection activities, communicating with you regarding orders, accounts, transactions, and addressing disputes.

Analysis & Data Optimization:

Your information helps us conduct analyses related to our services, improve our services’ usability, and evaluate the success of marketing campaigns.

Marketing & Surveys:

We may use your personal information to select you for marketing communications, newsletters, surveys, and feedback requests.

Optional Marketing Communications:

Receipt of marketing communications via email is voluntary. You can opt-out by contacting us at

How Hoyo Shares Your Information

We share your personal information with nonaffiliates and among affiliates as permitted by law. This includes:

  • Third-Party Service Providers: We share information with third-party service providers to conduct business and marketing activities.
  • Referral Partners: Information may be shared with referral partners as necessary to honor agreements and process transactions.
  • Affiliates: Hoyo affiliates may share information for business analysis or targeted marketing.
  • Your Consent: We may share your personal information with third parties with your consent.
  • Legal Requests & Regulatory Requirements: Information may be shared to comply with applicable law, regulation, legal process, governmental request, or to limit fraud.

Sharing of Anonymized Data:

We may share aggregated and anonymized data sets with third parties.

Important Privacy Choices

Consent to Information Sharing with Third Party Companies (Referral Partners):

By accepting this privacy policy, you agree that Hoyo may share your information with any third party company that referred you to Hoyo. You may revoke this consent at any time by contacting us at

Additional Information:

For California Residents:

Please refer to the “Notice to California Residents” section below for specific rights and disclosures under the CCPA.

How You Can Exercise Your Rights Under CCPA

California residents have the right to request information we collected, used, disclosed, or sold over the past 12 months. To exercise these rights, please contact us at with a brief description of your request. Please note that you may only make a verifiable consumer request twice within a 12-month period.

For more details regarding your rights under CCPA, including the right to request deletion and opt-out of sale of personal information, please refer to the CCPA section below.

Changes to This Policy

Updates to the privacy policy become effective when posted on Hoyo websites. Material changes will be notified via email or provided in your account. Your continued use of our services following updates indicates acceptance of Hoyo’ updated privacy policy.

For additional information or inquiries regarding this policy or privacy practices at Hoyo, please contact us at or visit our Contact Us Page.

Notice to California Residents (CCPA)

This section outlines specific rights and disclosures under the CCPA for California residents:

  • Personal Information Collected by Hoyo: Information about your interactions with our website, surveys, questionnaires, and information obtained from third parties for marketing purposes.
  • How Hoyo Discloses Personal Information: Disclosure to third-party service providers for business purposes.
  • Your Rights Under the CCPA: Right to know/access, request deletion, opt-out of sale of personal information, and right to non-discrimination.
  • How to Exercise Your Rights: Contact us at to make verifiable consumer requests. Designating an authorized representative is possible following specific instructions.

Federal Privacy Notice

Reasons we can share your personal information.

Do we share?

Can you limit this sharing?

For our everyday business purposes – such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus



For our marketing purposes – to offer our products and services to you



For joint marketing with other companies


We Don’t Share

To limit our sharing

You may limit our sharing of information by emailing us at and we will assist you in disabling such information sharing.


Email us at